Big And Weird Ass

Dedicated to finding and photographing Big and Weird Ass in the wild.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fashin Tip #1933 - When In Public, Dress Accordingly

Yes! A mated pair...rare and elusive, one of the hardest moments to be caught on film, a bull male and his mate migrating from the spent and barren feeding grounds on one side of the street to fresher pastures on the other side of the street.

Note how they have dressed to the nines for the general public's scrutiny.

He is obviously military, possibly special forces.

Once on the other side of the street, the male begins to explore and mark his territory, scenting food he leads the female to their new dwelling.

The earring the male wears denotes he has pirating experience.

The fish hook in the hat lets the world know his marriage bait is out and for the taking.

The keys and beeper lets everyone know he is accessible and responsible for locking up something.

The pit stain, well the pit stain is just a pit stain.

"Look Francesca we look just like twins"

Fashion tip #1653 - Never dress duplicate of your skinny friend, even if you like it on her it won't have the same effect on you.

Toilets to the left, food to the right.

I had to blur the ridiculous looking leg tattoos on both of these subjects...really people, re-examine your life the moment you decide to put a permanent mark on your body letting the world know...yes I love Coco-Puffs.

I see Bud is the drink of choice by the shirt probably never touched a Bud-Light....heck why not get ALL your apparel there my friend? If your going to advertise for free...get the shorts and underwear too.

Did I REALLY need to see this bra?...C'mon at least make a attempt at hiding your underwear from the public ok?

I am not even going to comment on the's underwear too.

" I know, tomorrow I will wear the turqoise sweat pants that tie at the knee (very european), my striped pullover, white sandals and my brown leather purse.....look out men here I come"

Why did I need to see EVERY line of her panties....why....why?

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