Big And Weird Ass

Dedicated to finding and photographing Big and Weird Ass in the wild.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Handicapped? I Think Not.

Nice of you to park in the handicapped spot ensuring someone who actually is handicapped has to go that extra mile to get food .... but it's all good ....just so long as you didn't break a sweat hauling YOUR ass into the store.

Get off the phone and pay attention to where your parking!

The sign is right in front of your cake hole for goodness sake.

You aren't talking a plane down, assisting in a neurosurgery or resolving a hostage situation your going to get more ho-ho's for tonight's' midnight snackie-poo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the same kind of BWA who insist on doing all of their shopping from an electric scooter at Wal-Mart (Which are actually intended as a courtesy for less fortunate people with REAL physical handicaps). Obesity is a choice not a handicap. If you get too out-of-breath shopping for Little Debbie snack cakes, then you need to steer that electric scooter back to the treadmill aisle.